Suitable Exercises For Your Muscles  

It is a shoulder presses, pull-ups (today is no longer the gym are usually equipped with conventional horizontal bars) and lat pull downs, seated - all carried out behind the head to the neck.

All of these exercises to perform in front of her chest (pressure with a barbell from the chest) - this is achieved by virtually the same effect and without risk to the shoulder joint.

Suitable exercises

Let’s look at exercises that benefit our muscles of the rotator cuff as a power expert says Bill Starr. One of the best exercises for the rotator cuff considered pulls the lower pulley seated (we often talk about rowing) narrow parallel grip.

Initially use a really light load to comply with strict technique where you keep your elbows along the hull as possible for the plane back and consciously download the shoulder blades together - without bending over backwards in the final stage and off your chest. 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps strict technique gradually, as your strength increases, and decreases the load you are adding.

Just as you can use the device while sitting on the straps to comply with the above rules.

You might be surprised, but Bill Starr recommended to use to strengthen the rotator cuff all the exercises in which you lift a load over his head, that all kinds of pressures, but as already mentioned - no head!


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