Deep Muscles Of The Upper Arm  

Also hammer strokes represent a contribution to the development of the lower biceps and not only that - this exercise, hold the dumbbells in a neutral position, thumbs forward (holding a hammer), heavily burdened by the deep muscles of the upper arm, and if you look at the anatomy, so you will be immediately clear why the brachial is such importance.

He is starting up in the middle of the hummers and the center of gravity of its mass is just the bottom area above the bend of the arm at the elbow.

In addition, brachial biceps supports from below and thus it rises - which in turn has a sense of peak biceps.

As a final exercise in this specialization in the lower area of biceps (more arm flexors) I had exercise that few people know and even fewer uses - strokes.

This is an excellent exercise with one-hand dumbbells for complete biceps development, but also the forearm and of course the deep muscle of the upper arm this exercise was very popular among bodybuilders forties to sixties, but with the advent of devices and pulleys on the exercise arm retreated into the background.

Grasp dumbbells and perform the classic biceps curl, palms forward - a supine position.

However, in the upper phase of movement when holding dumbbells palms toward shoulders, carry out their palms forward rotation of 180 degrees to position

Thus launching dumbbells to the starting position and rewind it back into position dumbbells, palms facing forward

And so it repeats regularly - that perform classical lift and lowering weights.


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