Cycling Builds Muscles Perfectly  

The seat height is appropriate when sitting on the seat. Put a foot on the ladder, the lower Knees is slightly bent by an angle of about 5 degrees to the low seat may cause knee pain when cycling.

To check the logs are in the correct position and that thick.

Another method is to place the heels on the stairs Minimum ripe. Knee will fit straight

Height adjustable grip to fit, by adjusting the height and then gradually move lower

Proper position is elbows slightly bent spacing fit and comfortable grip back pain. This adjustment must be adjusted to fit the riders themselves.

Choosing shoes Do not use the shoes for jogging or aerobic dancing shoes because the soles are too soft. Soles for bike riding should be stiff enough. To go bike riding efficiency

Other equipment necessary to prepare. Sweat towel for wiping hands, especially because it can cause slippery. Drink one glass of water before exercise.

About half a liter of water for 40 minutes during exercise, drink one glass of water after exercise.

Before exercise to warm-up by cycling a frictionless 5-10 minutes, then increase the friction and speed without fatigue or muscle pain. For those with heart disease or high blood pressure should always follow your heart.

For a beginning rider should ride at a speed of no more stiffness, no more. When the body is strong, thereby increasing the friction and speed, if disorientation, dizziness, chest pain, stop riding and tell someone close or a guard.


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Overall Strengthening

The base is shrugging his shoulders, which we will start first with light dumbbells after 3 or 4 sets of 20 reps with a gradually increasing force switching to heavier loads and using a barbell in a power cage. It is also appropriate... Continue →