Pay Attention To The Muscles Of The Rotator Cuff  

In the final stage of the forearm bent perpendicular to the torso. Upper arm in a substantially stationary and remains fixed to share body facing straight down. Include at least twice a week, three series of one of the variants of the outer rotation!

If you pay attention to the muscles of the rotator cuff and prevent problems with pain in the shoulder joint. This “investment” is really worth it!

From a different angle and be as different from the two previous ones. In the case of the above-mentioned back muscles may be the third an exercise pull downs wide grip seated.

Recently, the fourth exercise is again three series but further increases the number of repetitions of four - thus 16th This is the highest number of whole training which leads to the maximum pumping.

And this is the decisive effect of the whole training is a kind of “icing on the cake” that brings us the most nutrients, oxygen, and last but not least, anabolic hormones in muscle cells.

A growth process can begin … For this exercise, you should consistently choose the repertoire strictly isolated exercises on machines or pulleys.

Examples of suitable exercises can be download on a cable-crossover pectoral muscles, leg extensions for quads or download the upper pulley with arms stretched standing on the back muscles.


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